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The mission of Organization, Governance and Management (OGM) is to study the interaction between social transformations and organizations, in relation to the local context and the public administration. It promotes a multi-perspective and a multi-disciplinary approach that focuses on theories and practices on governance, organizational development, business processes, research and (inter) cultural concepts.
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Publication A Review of Undrowned: Black Feminist Lessons from Marine Mammals(2023) Dresscher-Lambertus, Nadia; Dresscher-Lambertus, Nadia Gabriela Yemanja(Rooftop Press, 2024) Dresscher-Lambertus, Nadia; Dresscher-Lambertus, Nadia Gabriela; Khodyreva, Anastasia; Suoyrjö, Elina Muhé Di Rancho, Be(com)ing with Calco: a Caribbean Feminist Practice for Decolonial Life Writing(Brill, 2024) Dresscher-Lambertus, Nadia; Mary Allen, Rose; Bala, SrutiPublication Yiu di Afo(ADCaribbean, 2024) Alofs, Luc; Alofs, Luc; Zwart, René; Thodé, Glenn Slow Ontology 2.0 as Inspiration for Methodological Approaches Research Design(Sage Research Community, 2024) Dresscher-Lambertus, Nadia; CohenMiller, Anna; Dresscher-Lambertus, Nadia Gabriela Diabetes Mellitus. An analysis of the conflict between the Global and Caribbean Discourse of Diabetes.(2018) Arias, Nurianne; Arias, NurianneDiabetes prevalence has been growing rapidly through the years. This condition has affected many individuals and has been the cause of extremely high government expenditures within health care. Diabetes is not only a health condition, but its prevalence has affected communities in many ways which has led to the understanding that nowadays diabetes is defined as a social problem in need of immediate change. This research will study the discourse of diabetes in the Caribbean. Studies about diabetes are limited especially in the Caribbean. The global discourse of diabetes is different and differs depending on the context. This research will be based on analysis of documents of global discourse of diabetes and documents in the Caribbean context. The main aim of the research is to explain an unmask unrevealed truths of the discourse of diabetes in the Caribbean and its factors and what the meaning is of the Caribbean discourse of diabetes means and implies.Publication Diabetes management in a changing society. Associating forces to create more sustainable collaborations.(2016) Arias, Nurianne; Arias, NurianneThis thesis presents a qualitative research on diabetes management, its success factors and barriers in Aruba. This thesis also includes theoretical studies of global approaches and practices. The thesis categorizes five key factors of diabetes management which are; level of prevention, policy/program development and implementation approach, collaboration and communication, medical and psychosocial support, and instruments. The main finding of the research is that a joint strategic plan should be developed for all three levels of prevention namely primary prevention for the community in general, secondary prevention for at risk patients and secondary prevention for diagnosed patients. This plan should aim at concretely defining the tasks of each stakeholder of diabetes management. This plan should also describe how resources including monetary and human resources should be redistributed. This should be supported by a research based on FINDRISC (Finnish Diabetes Association, 2006) in order to collect new and relevant data about the current population that is at risk of developing diabetes and that are diagnosed with diabetes.Publication PRISMA Aruba by Fundacion Diabetes Aruba in collaboration with Dietetics and Nutrition Sciences, Amsterdam UMC (location VUmc)(2020) Arias, Nurianne; de Droog, Mieke; Arias, NurianneThe effectivity study of PRISMA Aruba 'A self-management education program for adults with type 2 diabetes in Aruba' was conducted from 2019 to 2020. A summary of the results of this study is available in the summary 'Prisma_Summary_2020'. For an extensive elaboration of the research results, please read the full report of 2021.Publication Caribbean Cultural Heritage and the Nation. Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao in a Regional Context(Amsterdam University Press, 2023) van Stipriaan, Alex; Alofs, Luc; Guadeloupe, Francio; van Stipriaan, Alex; Alofs, Luc; Guadeloupe, FrancioCenturies of intense and involuntary migrations deeply impacted the development of the creolised cultures on the Dutch Caribbean islands of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao. This volume describes various forms of cultural heritage produced on these islands over time and whether these heritages are part of their ‘national’ identifications. What forms of heritage express the idea of a shared “we” (nation-building), and what images are presented to the outside world (nation-branding)? What cultural heritage is shared between the islands, and what are some real or perceived differences? In this book, examples of cultural heritage ranging from sports to questions of reparations, museums to digital humanities, archaeology to music, language and literature to tourism, and visual art to diaspora policies are compared to developments elsewhere in the Caribbean.Publication Gerichte Groei. Rapport van de Staatscommissie Demografische Ontwikkelingen Caribisch Nederland 2050(Staatscommissie Demografische Ontwikkelingen Caribisch Nederland 2050, 2024) van Zwol, Richard; Thodé, Glenn; van Ark, Tamara; van Vuuren, Daniël J.; Alofs, Luc; Berkel, Gerald; Sealy, E. ArthurHet rapport ‘Gerichte groei’ behandelt de komende demografische ontwikkeling in Caribisch Nederland tot 2050 (deel I), de gevolgen daarvan voor de ruimte, economie en publieke voorzieningen op de eilanden (deel II), en biedt de politiek handelingsmogelijkheden vanuit het perspectief van brede welvaart en sociale cohesie (deel III). Het rapport ‘Gerichte groei’ is uit naam van de voltallige staatscommissie tussen 1 februari en 4 juli 2024 voorbereid en opgesteld door de deelwerkgroep Caribisch Nederland.Publication Fostering strong institutions & informed citizens: An explortory research on civic communication of public financial managemnt by the court of audit Aruba(University of Aruba, 2023) Tromp, MaurielleThis thesis paper describes a qualitative study that focuses on a case study of successful civic communication techniques for Aruba's supreme audit institution, the Court of Audit. In 2020, Aruba experienced financial consequences as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and received liquidity support in exchange for a series of reforms. The first reform focuses on improving public financial management and strengthening the Court of Audit (Algemene Rekenkamer). The institute releases audit reports on public finances primarily to Parliament with minimal communication with citizens. This exploratory research project identified the preferred communication practices of citizens in Aruba regarding public financial management. The main research question for this study was, “How can the Court of Audit increase civic knowledge and impact of public financial management reports in relation to SDG 16: Fostering Strong Institutions and the Country Package?” The research was designed using qualitative research methods, consisting of fifteen semi-structured interviews with various audiences. Thematic analysis was utilized to extract data from the interviews and produce results to answer the main research question. This research concluded that a strategic civic communication plan containing scheduled dissemination of data and information visualization targeted toward specific audiences with engagement through digital channels is most effective for reaching citizens. Using the insights garnered through the acquired data, practice, and future research suggestions were developed.Publication SWOT Analysis of the public bus transportation Arubus N.V(University of Aruba, 2023) Henriquez, Juelaima L.Public bus transportation is a public service to the community where all people could place their trust to reach their goal of the day, which could be work or other daily routines. This exploratory research investigates the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (risks) of the public bus transportation in Arubus N.V. in Aruba. In addition, possible strategies which could contribute to an inclusive and sustainable bus transportation are also analyzed. The main research question of this study is: What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to the public bus transportation provided by Arubus N.V., and which possible strategies could contribute to this public bus transportation being more sustainable and inclusive? This exploratory research is based on a qualitative methods approach, which utilizes purposive sampling to select the participants. The tool to gather the data was semi-structured interviews; in total, thirteen participants (service providers, clients, and non-clients) were interviewed, and the data was analyzed through thematic analysis. The results indicate that Arubus N.V.'s strengths are being a public service, its comfortability, and affordability. Its opportunities are within the topics of safety, regulations, technology, resources, inclusiveness, routes and infrastructure, renewal agreement with the government, and personnel. Arubus N.V. weaknesses are resources, operational and technological challenges, equitability, sustainability, work environment, and infrastructure. The threats for Arubus N.V. are private cars, private operators and the government. Recommended strategies are in the area of improving affordability and equitability, increased resources, customer friendliness, and control of the number of personal cars on the road by regulations.Publication Social media as political marketing tool: Its influence on youth political participation(University of Aruba, 2023) Zara, GemeyThe objective of this research is to determine to what extent social media, used as a marketing tool by Aruban politicians and political parties, influences the political participation of the youth of Aruba. Furthermore, another objective is to determine what types of social media have a significant influence on youth political participation. The results of this research provided recommendations to political parties and the government on how to engage the youth in politics and enhance the political participation of the youth in Aruba. The main research question for this research was “To what extent does social media, used as a marketing tool by Aruban politicians and political parties, influence the political participation of the youth of Aruba?”. This is a quantitative research design (n = 121). The theoretical models that were used for this research were derived from the research from the authors Kahne & Bowyer (2018) who used the theory from Ito et al. (2009) and Jenkins (2009). The theoretical model focuses on the dimensions of online activity, specifically friendship-driven (FD) activity and interest-driven (ID) activity. Furthermore, the theory also focuses on political participation such as online and offline political participation. The research instrument used to collect data for this research was an online self-administered questionnaire which was filled by 132 participants. The data analysis was conducted through the SPSS program. The results of this research show that social media use has a positive relationship with youth political participation. More specifically, the Aruban youth who are more involved with FD online activities are more inclined to participate in online forms of participatory politics.Publication Intercultural communication: the perspective of employees working in the tourism sector in Aruba(University of Aruba, 2022) Figaroa, JessalineThis research aims to explore the perspective of employees using intercultural communication strategies within the tourism sector in Aruba and how these strategies contribute to job satisfaction, safety and healthy work environment. Understanding the use of intercultural communication strategies and the contribution to perception of job satisfaction, safety and healthy work environment is relevant because hotel organizations play a big role in the tourism industry in Aruba. This thesis will focus on five characteristics of intercultural communication strategies from the perspective of employees from two different hotel organizations. The characteristics are; communication styles and communication skills, team building, behavior at work, decision-making styles and supporting employees, training, and induction program. It shows the importance for organizations to value employees to achieve organizational goals. The main research question of this thesis is: What is the perception of the employees within the tourism sector on the usage of intercultural communication strategies and how do these strategies contribute to job satisfaction and a safe and healthy work environment? The method used is qualitative research, whereby four employees from HR Department and 10 operational employees were interviewed. The data was analyzed based upon a thematic analysis to search for themes related to the literature review and to identify emerging themes for the theoretical framework. The results show that both organizations are diverse and employees feel satisfied about employing intercultural communication strategies at their workplace. Employing ICS in such diverse organizations also supports the acquisition of goals. Additionally, the results show that ICS contribute immensely to job satisfaction.Publication A swot analysis on digitalization for NPOS in Aruba: a swot analysis on digitalization for Non-Profit Social Welfare Organizations in Aruba to make more use of Digitalization(University of Aruba, 2022) Benavidez, VickyThis research seeks to gain insight into the management and administrative perspective on digitalization at nonprofits (NPOs) and if any concrete strategic plans exist that address the need for more digitization to realize a higher quality of these public services. Particular attention is dedicated to the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis to increase digitalization at NPOs in Aruba. This study has an explorative qualitative case design and analyzed 12 cases at local NPOs to be able to look at the current state of affairs. The participants were all subsidized nonprofits that fall under the Ministry of Social Affairs, Youth, and Labor, and were selected an interviewed based on purposive sampling. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic most participants were interviewed through Zoom which is an application that allows you to video call. The results indicated that current challenges for NPOs are Information Technological (IT) skills, resources and time. Current benefits that NPOs have by making use of digitalization are efficiency and internal and external communication. In addition, strategies that are being used to overcome challenges are currently, to reflect and strategize. The current strengths of NPOs in Aruba include that they possess computers and internet connection, and the flexibility to keep innovating. For this reason, opportunities for NPOs to make more use of digitalization are to promote civic participation and civic engagement through social media platforms, efficiency, transparency and accountability, job performance, and participatory decision making, training 21st century skills, administrative innovations and data management, sharing and storing. On the other hand, there are factors that hinder the digitalization process which include weaknesses such as not having a SWOT vision, 21st century skills and resources. The threats that were identified discovered were loss of electricity, technical failures, clients privacy, and cracking. The main recommendations refer to collaboration between the Government of Aruba, Centro pa Desaroyo Aruba (CEDE), the University of Aruba (Good Governance Institute), Setar N.V. and future researchers. These organizations and individuals could facilitate the process for NPOs to increase their digitalization as they can provide resources such as funds and the necessary workshops to teach these skills to the NPOs.Publication Principal Leadership styles and teacher job satisfaction: As perceived by aruban primary school boards principals and teachers(University of Aruba, 2022) Croes, ThaliaThe education field is an organization that provides service to a specific group of clients. The clients are students who become equipped with knowledge from their teachers. To ensure quality education; which is one of the goals for the Sustainable Development Plan for 2030 by the Board of Education of Aruba; the school board, principals, and teachers create a vital operational triangle. When teachers are satisfied with their job this serves as a motivation to provide good quality education. However, there is very little research done in Aruba on the influence of principals' leadership style on teachers' job satisfaction. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to obtain the perspectives of the school board, principals and teachers to analyze what leadership styles are practices by Aruban primary school principals. Secondly, if extrinsic factors such as policies, and administration, supervision, interpersonal relations and working condition influence the principals' leadership style. Finally, extrinsic and intrinsic factors such as achievement, advancement, possibility of growth, recognition, responsibility, and the work itself that may have an impact on teacher job satisfaction. The main research question for this research is thus; "What influence do principals' leadership styles have on teacher job satisfaction according to school boards, principals, and teachers of four primary schools in Aruba" Eighteen semi-structured interviews were conducted in this qualitative research, using the thematic analysis to examine the data gathered. Findings show that the most common leadership style practiced by Aruban primary school principals is ethical leadership and that factors such as inconsistency in national policies tend to create dissatisfaction amongst principals. Lastly, intrinsic factors such as praise and recognition received by pupils, parents and principals are satisfying factors for teachers contrary to lack of involvement in governmental policies that are dissatisfying factors for teachers.Publication A Quantitative research on the perception,preference,and experience of Arubans in higher education toward the acculturation of Venezuelan migrants(University of Aruba, 2022) Maduro, Destiny M.This research aims to determine the perception, preference, and experience of Arubans in higher education on the acculturation (Berry, 1997) (Sam & Berry, 2010) of Venezuelan migrants. Furthermore, this research tries to see if the concepts of stereotypes and perceptions of the threat of the Venezuelan migrants influence the Arubans' preference for acculturation (López- Rodríguez, Zagefka, Navas, & Cuadrado, 2014). This study used a case study design and a quantitative data collection research instrument. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed online through Google Form. The convenience sampling approach was utilized in this study. The respondents were from the University of Aruba (UA) and the Institute of Education of Aruba (IPA). There was a total of 132 participants. The SPSS statistical program was used to analyze the data collected. The result indicated that Arubans in higher education had a positive perception and preference for the acculturation of Venezuelan migrants. In addition, the respondents in this research experienced the migrants’ integrative adaptation style in the Aruban Community. Furthermore, the relationship of all hypotheses tested in this research was significant. Finally, a vital suggestion indicated in this research is that research has to be done from the perspective of migrants to get a complete view of the acculturation process in Aruba.Publication The court of audit of Aruba and its commitment to integrity(University of Aruba, 2022) Hermans, MarilynnSince the Court of Audit has gone through the process of designing and implementing a full-fledged integrity policy, this study aims to explore how that process was carried out and elaborate on its integrity policy. The research objective is to set an example for other public organizations and, by doing so, to promote integrity management within the public sector. This research is a qualitative, using qualitative questionnaires and interviews. The research participants were the Court of Audit as a key organization and a selection of external primary stakeholders and external secondary stakeholders. This research is supported by the main research question: How does the Court of Audit of Aruba promote and protect integrity within its institution? Guided by ten research sub-question, research was conducted into the chosen integrity definition; integrity risks; supporting core values; integrity instruments and behavioral norms; assurance, monitoring, and evaluation of integrity policy; the selected implementation method; rules, measures, and activities, missing or still under development; impeding factors to achieving a fully-fledged integrity policy; and the perceptions of internal and external stakeholders. The results show that the way the Court of Audit promotes and protects integrity is through the observance of an integrity policy ('Integrity Policy Plan’) and a code of ethics ('Code of Conduct’), including the supporting core values. Integrity is being promoted and experienced as a principle, a value or a norm, rather than a set of rules (24/7, also outside office hours). The Court of Audit engages its board members and personnel in the design and implementation of its integrity policy. In essence, the Court of Audit is very attentive in guarding and maintaining the public’s trust in its organization as audit institution. The Court of Audit aims to set an example for organizations it monitors and to f=give substance to its motto ‘Lead by Example’.Publication Circular business strategies and supply chain finance in the Aruba waste sector: A case study of a small island jurisdiction(Islands and Small States Institute, University of Malta,, 2020) Feenstra, Bauke; Alofs, Luc; Mijts, EricThis paper focuses on possibilities and obstacles for a circular economy in the waste management sector in Aruba. The authors describe the Aruban economy and the consequences of its SIDS characteristics. The article defines concepts in the field of circular economy and presents a conceptual model for research in this area. Based on multimethod research, the paper argues that small and medium-sized firms (SMEs) in the waste sector in Aruba determine their financial needs partly on the opportunities offered by the international market and price developments. Financing often takes place from own resources or via a local bank. No examples of circular chain financing were identified. Chain cooperation takes place with partners within the existing holding or with international partners, whereby performance and hedging contracts are concluded to guarantee quality and delivery and to mitigate business risks such as price fluctuations on the world market. During the research, it became obvious that limitations resulting from Aruba’s small scale and ‘islandness’ – such as the limited goods flow, limited quantities of feed waste materials and financing facilities offered by the local banking sector, as well as insufficiently stimulating legislation and regulations, coupled with faltering knowledge circulation and social awareness – seriously hamper the development of circular entrepreneurism in Aruba. The article offers policy recommendations to mitigate the bottlenecks for sustainable development in Aruba.Publication Storytelling as empowering tool: Storytelling as empowering tool for the women of the Aruban Non-Profit Organization Fundacion Contra Violencia Relacional Facing violence during the COVID-19 Pandemic(University of Aruba, 2021) Nieuw, XeniaAs the constant battle against female intimate partner violence (IPV) continues, in the year 2020, the arrival of COVID-19 made a detrimental impact on this ongoing social issue. This battle is no different on the island of Aruba, as the nonprofit organization Fundacion Contra Violencia Relacional (FCVR) works hard to combat the increasing violence against women. This research investigated how FCVR uses the storytelling method to reach and empower its leading target group, presented in the following main research question. The research question is: 'How does the nonprofit organization 'Fundacion Contra Violencia Relacional' (FCVR) use storytelling to positively impact women in abusive situations during the COVID-19 pandemic in Aruba?'. Qualitative research was done to examine this properly. Eleven semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven representatives of FCVR and four female clients of FCVR. It establishes a timeline and organizes the lived experiences to identify the start, transformation points, and critical characters. In addition, the purpose of the story used varies. By allowing a woman who experienced abuse to tell her story, she is given the opportunity to recover her lost voice, power and use re-authoring to integrate her fragmented identity. Therefore, it can be considered that stories and storytelling are beneficial when used as a method of empowerment and intervention. Not only that but it can also be used as an educational tool and as a healing tool. In addition, the most effective way to use storytelling as an empowerment tool for women facing abuse was shown to be more advantageous through personal means compared to virtual means.