Hermans, Marilynn2024-08-282024-08-282022Hermans, M. (2022). The court of audit of aruba and its commitment to integrity. Bachelor dissertation. University of Aruba. 87 pp.https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14473/905Since the Court of Audit has gone through the process of designing and implementing a full-fledged integrity policy, this study aims to explore how that process was carried out and elaborate on its integrity policy. The research objective is to set an example for other public organizations and, by doing so, to promote integrity management within the public sector. This research is a qualitative, using qualitative questionnaires and interviews. The research participants were the Court of Audit as a key organization and a selection of external primary stakeholders and external secondary stakeholders. This research is supported by the main research question: How does the Court of Audit of Aruba promote and protect integrity within its institution? Guided by ten research sub-question, research was conducted into the chosen integrity definition; integrity risks; supporting core values; integrity instruments and behavioral norms; assurance, monitoring, and evaluation of integrity policy; the selected implementation method; rules, measures, and activities, missing or still under development; impeding factors to achieving a fully-fledged integrity policy; and the perceptions of internal and external stakeholders. The results show that the way the Court of Audit promotes and protects integrity is through the observance of an integrity policy ('Integrity Policy Plan’) and a code of ethics ('Code of Conduct’), including the supporting core values. Integrity is being promoted and experienced as a principle, a value or a norm, rather than a set of rules (24/7, also outside office hours). The Court of Audit engages its board members and personnel in the design and implementation of its integrity policy. In essence, the Court of Audit is very attentive in guarding and maintaining the public’s trust in its organization as audit institution. The Court of Audit aims to set an example for organizations it monitors and to f=give substance to its motto ‘Lead by Example’.EnglishAudit InstitutionIntegrityIntegrity ManagementIntegrity PolicyCode of ConductIntegrity RisksCore ValuesIntegrity InstrumentsBehavioral NormsTheory of Three Elements of Integrity PolicyImplementation MethodsResistance to ChangePerceptionStakeholder RelationshipsPublic imageThe court of audit of Aruba and its commitment to integrityBachelor dissertation