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  • Publication
    Turning the Tide Documentary Interviews on Nos Mainta
    (Nos Mainta, 2025-01-29) Berg, Edeline; Lopez, Tyson; Floudiotis, Andrea; Henken, Rene; Osinga, Ronald; van der Wal, Sietske; Danser, Nichole; de Scisciolo, Tobia; Everon, Xiomara; Kelie, Ivan; de Scisciolo, Tobia
    The section on Nos Mainta about the Turning the Tide Documentary starts at 26 minutes: Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/live/vlaqhR-38Ss?feature=shared&t=1558 Interview with Edeline Berg and Tyson Lopez (Aruba Conservation Foundation) (Papiamento): https://www.youtube.com/live/vlaqhR-38Ss?feature=shared&t=1716 Interview with Andrea Floudiotis (RESEMBID) (English) https://www.youtube.com/live/vlaqhR-38Ss?feature=shared&t=2893 Interview with Rene Henken and Ronald Osinga (Wageningen University) (Nederlands) https://www.youtube.com/live/vlaqhR-38Ss?feature=shared&t=4088 Interview with Sietske van der Wal (Aruba Conservation Foundation) (English) https://www.youtube.com/live/vlaqhR-38Ss?feature=shared&t=5356 Interview with Nichole Danser (ScubbleBubbles) & Tobia de Scisciolo (University of Aruba) (English): https://www.youtube.com/live/vlaqhR-38Ss?feature=shared&t=6394
  • Publication
    Life cycle assessment of imported seafood in Aruba
    (KU Leuven, 2022-06) de Vlieghere, Alice
  • Publication
    Life cycle analysis of chicken in the Aruban food basket
    (KU Leuven, 2022-08) Lelièvre-Damit, Jonas
  • Publication
    Carbon ‘Foodprint’ of Aruba’s Food Imports
    (KU Leuven, 2021-05-10) Bleukx, Kobe; Janssens, Dries; Vandenbergh, Jasper; Vankrunkelsven, Emma

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