Principal Leadership styles and teacher job satisfaction: As perceived by aruban primary school boards principals and teachers
Croes, Thalia
Croes, Thalia
Job Satisfaction
Leadership styles
Primary School
School board
Policy and Administration
Internal and External Factors
Job Satisfaction
Leadership styles
Primary School
School board
Policy and Administration
Internal and External Factors
Location research
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The education field is an organization that provides service to a specific group of clients. The clients are students who become equipped with knowledge from their teachers. To ensure quality education; which is one of the goals for the Sustainable Development Plan for 2030 by the Board of Education of Aruba; the school board, principals, and teachers create a vital operational triangle. When teachers are satisfied with their job this serves as a motivation to provide good quality education. However, there is very little research done in Aruba on the influence of principals' leadership style on teachers' job satisfaction. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to obtain the perspectives of the school board, principals and teachers to analyze what leadership styles are practices by Aruban primary school principals. Secondly, if extrinsic factors such as policies, and administration, supervision, interpersonal relations and working condition influence the principals' leadership style. Finally, extrinsic and intrinsic factors such as achievement, advancement, possibility of growth, recognition, responsibility, and the work itself that may have an impact on teacher job satisfaction. The main research question for this research is thus; "What influence do principals' leadership styles have on teacher job satisfaction according to school boards, principals, and teachers of four primary schools in Aruba" Eighteen semi-structured interviews were conducted in this qualitative research, using the thematic analysis to examine the data gathered. Findings show that the most common leadership style practiced by Aruban primary school principals is ethical leadership and that factors such as inconsistency in national policies tend to create dissatisfaction amongst principals. Lastly, intrinsic factors such as praise and recognition received by pupils, parents and principals are satisfying factors for teachers contrary to lack of involvement in governmental policies that are dissatisfying factors for teachers.
Croes, T. (2022). Principal Leadership styles and teacher job satisfaction: As perceived by aruban primary school boards principals and teachers. Bachelor dissertation. University of Aruba. 126 pp.
University of Aruba
Target group