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Publication Law and Property Rights in Small Island States in the Caribbean: A Modern Mode of Colonial Plunder.(University of Curaçao (Universidat di Kòrsou), 2019) Taylor, Don; Faraclas, Nicolas; Severing, Ronald; Weijer, Christa; Echteld, Elisabeth; Rutgers, Wim; Delgado, SallyAbstract Legal rules should be reflective of domestic social values, and while they are structurally institutionalized in Caribbean societies, they are also reflective of a colonial past, and in many cases represent a continuation of the dependency that characterizes the emergence of neo-colonialism. Laws of many Caribbean States defer to metropolitan institutions which are divorced from the current social context from which they ought to derive. This article intends to explore briefly the theoretical and contextual underpinnings of legal rules regarding property rights that can guide our insights into issues of critical importance to their proper formulation and enforcement in Western neoliberal societies and neo-colonial Caribbean societies. The protection of property rights has particular impact on the tourism sector in the Caribbean, where there has been an implicit and pervasive acceptance of the neoliberal legal model that allows, for example, the establishment of chain hotels on small islands. This has resulted in new modalities of colonialism, if we define colonialism as the exploitation of the resources of the South by the resurgent metropoles of the North.Publication Challenges of Women Working as Leaders in Aruba’s Hotel Industry(CABI Publishing, 2024) Jadnanansing, MadhuPublication Implementation of patient’s information provision and counselling regarding diabetes medication use: A context analysis(2024) Grêaux, Kimberly; Hooi, Nitza; van Heijningen, Stephanie; Valois-Smith, Stanley; Tromp, Adrienne; van Nassau, Femke; van Dijk, L.; van den Bemt, B.; van Hugtenburg, Jacqueline; Greaux, KimberlyPublication Type 2 Diabetes Patients' Needs and Preferences regarding Medication Information in Aruba and Curacao(2024) Hooi, Nitza; Tromp, Adrienne; van Heiningen, Stephanie; Valois- Smit, Stanley; Grêaux, Kimberly; van Hugtenburg, JacquelinePublication Evaluation of the implementation of medication adherence interventions in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in Aruba and Curacao: a mixed method study(2024) Hooi, Nitza; Hannika, Sahar; Tromp, Adrienne; van Heijningen, Stephanie; Grêaux, Kimberly; van den Bemt, B.; van Dijk, L.; van Hugtenburg, Jacqueline; Hooi, NitzaItem Financial Sophistication of SIDS(Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016) TAYLOR, DONAbstract This paper intends to examine the role of financial intermediaries in the Caribbean as leading alternatives to the structural dependency on tourism, commodities and offshore finance. It posits that development favors growth that is endogenous and that drives local entrepreneurship and innovation in an island based self-sustainable manner. Small island developing states are characterized by under developed financial structures that can place limits on economic development. Underdeveloped financial structures are often manifested by the relative shallowness of the local financial system and foreign ownership of those financial institutions. This may lead to an environment in which the financial system may not be responsive to local needs for long term investment capital. There is a dearth of research on whether the lack of endogeneity in local financial intermediaries has restricted access to capital or resulted in more expensive capital with the potential dampening effect on economic growth for small islands. This paper is positioned as a research in progress and its objective is to identify the impact of capital sourcing on small island developing states (SIDS.) This research will be confined to the Caribbean and it is hoped that this research will add to the body of knowledge as it relates to economic and financial structures and development theory as it relates to SIDS. In addition the aim of this research is to inform the basis of policy guidelines to encourage entrepreneurship development in SIDS and to reduce the dependence on foreign direct investment flows (FDI) which sustains Caribbean islands vulnerability and fragility.Item A Qualitative Study to Understand the Chosen Profile Process of Retained Students in HAVO-4(2024) Kelly, RicheillaPublication Caribbean Spaces and Assertions of Asymmetric Power: A Critical Review of Property Rights and Investment Protection Clauses in Bilateral International Agreements (BITs) in British Caribbean States(2022-01-15) Taylor, DonThis book dealt with Property Rights and Investment Protection Clauses in Bilateral International Agreements (BITs) in British Caribbean States. The purpose of this research is to continue work on the developing literature of bilateral investment treaties (BITs) which, although a fairly recent legal phenomenon in international law, have developed rapidly as globalization has increased. An integral mechanism in the BIT ecosystem that serves to enhance the enforcement of property rights is the international arbitration mechanism, which allows for direct interface between host states and foreign investors and which as an international dispute settlement body that carves out legal sovereignty from host states in order to the ensure legal protection of foreign investors. Finally, this research has shown that initial impressions of BITs as vehicles of the neocolonialist, neo-imperialist agenda for Caribbean host states has been challenged by the capacity of the BIT regime to evolve, to incorporate change, and to attempt to reduce the efficacy of power asymmetry.Item Understanding Aruban Residents' Perception and Intention to Use Digitized Services(2024) Thode, NevilleItem Local Host Experiences of Sharing Homes with Tourists in Aruba(2024) Tromp, RamphisPublication Assessing The Perceived Value and Effectiveness of Internal Audits in MetaCorp and Its Subsidiaries(2024) Arendsz, Giandrick