BriceƱo, Judelca

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Position / Title
Part-Time Lecturer
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Author Name Variants
Fields of Specialization
Psycholigy of Labor
Health and Organization
Clinical Psychology
Discrepancy of Demand and Supply on the Labor Market
Social Economic Policy
Human Resource
General research area(s)
Last updated September 12, 2024
Judelca Briceno has been a part-time lecturer in the Organization, Governance and Management program of the Faculty of Arts and Science since 2013. She teaches the Module Quantitative Research Methodology. Judelca's main employment is as a policy adviser in the Government of Aruba, specializing in Labor Market and (Public) Health. She did her Master's at the University of Utrecht and has a Master of Science degree in Psychology of Labor, Organization and Health. My special interests are diversity, government, (public) health, organization & management, leadership, and well-being on the work floor. Judelca also holds several teaching certifications including Test and Assessment in Higher Education (Toets en Beoordeling in het hoger Onderwijs (TOBO)), Didactic Design in Higher Education (Didactisch Ontwerp in Hoger Onderwijs (DOHO)), FAS Minitraining. Judelca's research interests center around Public Health, Social, Labor market, Organizational Management, and Human Resources. Her research methods include quantitative research and surveys.

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