Heldeweg, Michiel

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Position / Title
Honorary Professor of General Legal Theory & Practice
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Author Name Variants
Fields of Specialization
Governance & Technology
Environmental law
Legal governance of technological innovation (energy transition / robotics & drones)
Future proof regulation
Institutional legal theory
General research area(s)
Last updated March 6, 2025
Michiel Heldeweg has been a guest lecturer in the Faculty of Law at the University of Aruba since 2010. In the Netherlands, at the University of Twente, Heldeweg is a member (and former head) of the section of Governance & Technology for Sustainability (CSTM), Program director of the Master in Environmental and Energy Management (MEEM), and chairman of the Committee on Scientific Integrity. He is also a member of the Netherlands Institute of Governance (NIG), an associate senior member of the Ius Commune Research School (ICOS), a partner to the Netherlands Institute for Law and Governance (NILG), and leader of the European Sustainable Energy Innovation Alliance (Eseia) Working Group (4) on Energy Governance, Business Models and Legal Frameworks. Michiel's main ancillary activity is that of honorary judge at the District Court of Overijssel (Administrative bench), the Netherlands. Michiel Heldeweg is a member of the editorial board of Competition and Regulation in Network Industries (CRNI), of the Journal Laws, and of the NILG book series on Market, Government & Law. Michiel's research is focused on the (methodology of) legal design of smart & resilient rules & regimes fostering technological and governance innovation ('future proof'), such as through experimental regulation, institutional change, and smart regulatory governance (e.g. meta-regulation, principle- and risk-based rules, and public/private certification). His research relates especially to legal governance of the energy transition, such as in community energy initiatives, and to responsible development and use of robotics, such as drones. In his work, Michiel combines doctrinal legal study with regulatory and institutional (legal) theory.

Publication Search Results

Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Indicators, Strategies, and Rule Settings for Sustainable Public–Private Infrastructure Partnerships: From Literature Review towards Institutional Designs
    (MDPI, 2023) Adebayo, Abimbola A.; Lulofs, Kris; Heldeweg, Michiel
    Public–private partnerships (PPPs)-driven infrastructure projects frequently disappoint in terms of sustainability outcomes. This paper substantiates this. It develops and presents an institutional design that can integrate environmental and social sustainability principles into PPP infrastructure projects (sustainable PPPs). The institutional design includes principles for the planning processes (preparation, procurement, contracting) and outcome indicators. The paper builds upon and synthesizes extant research through a literature review that employs the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) statements. The review covers the appropriateness of the used indicators for the investigation and measurement of environmental and social sustainability policy strategies designed to enhance sustainability and institutional intercalation. About the latter, a specific lens to focus on the relationships between the institutional design characteristics (the rule settings) of planning processes and the sustainability outcomes is developed based on three variables within the institutional analysis and development (IAD) framework of Ostrom. Consequently, rule settings that enable the investigation of the institutional process preconditions for sustainable PPPs and the evaluation of the sustainability outcomes are amalgamated. Our study indicates that the IAD framework provides a useful theoretical lens to harmonize and categorize process principles to achieve the rule settings that guide involved actors towards sustainable PPPs and place lenses on the envisioned environmental and social sustainability outcomes.
  • Publication
    The role of sustainable business networks in promoting a Circular Economy in Africa - A systematic literature review
    (2023) Collins Muzamwese, Tawanda; Franco-Garcia, Laura; Heldeweg, Michiel; Heldeweg, Michiel
  • Publication
    Horizons of Legal Theory & Practice
    (Uitgeverij Paris, 2024) Heldeweg, Michiel